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more about olets


there are 6 types of olets that are more used in piping industris and pressure vessel manufacturing process such as Weldolet, Sockolet, Thredolet, nippolet, sweepolet and elbolet.there are various materials and standards such as carbon steel, stainless steel 304 and 316...
Here at Petroniroo Moaser we provide you with high quality olet products both from local distributers directly and over seas known manufacturer in East Asia and West Europe .
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Weldolet A weldolet is designated by the run length by the branch length. For example a 6-inch weldolet on a 10-inch pipe would be a 10x6 Weldolet. A weldolet is designed to minimize stress concentrations and provide integral reinforcement without the need for reinforcing the weld.


A sockolet has the same basic design as a “weldolet” or “threadolet” where the major difference is that a sockolet has a socket for welding while the weldolet has got a buttweld connection. This makes a 90° branch and comes in full size or reducing for a straight piece of pipe

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